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Information serves as the foundation of the vast majority of companies. Security breaches can lead to lawsuits, loss of customers, and even the closing of a company. As the amount of customers dependent on a service grows, it becomes more attractive for hackers. Thus, it is necessary for a company to have a strong, secure database devoid of flaws that could give vital information to the wrong people.

Why is Security Testing Needed?

As hackers refine their methods and make it easier to access private information, a need arises for companies to refine their security systems without starting from scratch again. With Security Testing, companies can do just that. 

How We Can Help?

With Betasoft's security testing scripts and manual search methods, we can make sure your company's security system is equipped to stay standing despite attacks using the newest cracking methods. Our security experts are experienced, certified, and use latest proprietary tools from HP, IBM, McAfee and Symantec to run our security testing process. Our experts will point out security flaws in your system to you and offer efficient solutions to strengthen the weakest link.

More specifically, Betasoft will assist you in the following ways:

  • List vulnerabilities and associated risks
  • Identify high risk areas requiring immediate attention
  • Identify requirements for improving security policies and processes
  • Recommend remedial countermeasures and improvements, including security best practices and infrastructure re-design
  • Web Application Penetration Testing
  • Mobile Application Penetration Testing
  • Infrastructure Security Assessments
  • Physical Security Assessments
  • Voice Over IP Penetration Testing
  • Social Engineering

For further information on each service, please check out our Penetration Testing Services page.


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